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Asian Food Lovers: The Taste Asia Food Festival Comes to NYC’s Time Square June 26-27

Asian Food Lovers: The Taste Asia Food Festival Comes to NYC’s Time Square June 26-27

May 10, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

If you are a foodie that adores Asian food, then you won’t want to miss the Taste Asia Food Festival, which is coming to New York City’s Time Square on June 26-27. This event is one fun and creative way to enjoy some of the top chefs around cooking the best Asian food you’ll ever get to eat in an innovative outdoor setting.

What is the Taste Asia Food Festival?

As the largest Asian food festival in North America and the only Times Square event to demonstrate live cooking, this event promises to be an innovative and enjoyable experience for all of its attendees.

Food lovers get to partake in this Times Square outdoor food festival, surrounded by an enjoyable setting while sampling food from a group of worldwide master chefs, as well as some of New York’s finest. The chefs will demonstrate their cooking talents while utilizing Taste Asia’s outdoor kitchens, creating a cooking spectacle that will delight both the attending crowd and a live television audience. The menu of food items produced focuses on the theme of Asian ingredients and dishes.

Besides getting to watch the live chef cooking spree, the Taste Asia Food Festival will also offer food from a multitude of booths set up by different Asian restaurants. For entertainment, guests will get to view a stage full of live entertainers performing Asian cultural music and dancing throughout the event.

East Meets West at the Taste Asia Food Festival

By bringing together a variety of Asian dishes, a live chef event filled with Asian cultural foods, and on-site entertainment dedicated to Asian culture, the Taste Asia Food Festival achieves its goal of connecting Eastern and Western cultures through a passion for both Asian food and entertainment.

For more information on the Taste Asia Food Festival, please go here.

 If you are still up for it, get some ice cream at these spots and stroll around the city.

For more information on events like the Taste Asia Food Festival, stay with us here at EventCombo. At EventCombo, we provide you with the latest event information and also allow you to sell your event tickets online through our website.

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